Study of Ceramics by Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA) (CAT#: STEM-ACT-0069-WXH)


A ceramic is an inorganic non-metallic solid made up of either metal or non-metal compounds that have been shaped and then hardened by heating to high temperatures. In general, they are hard, corrosion-resistant and brittle.
The most important thermal properties of ceramic materials are heat capacity, thermal expansion coefficient, and thermal conductivity. Many applications of ceramics, such as their use as insulating materials, are related to these properties.


Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA) is a technique in which a deformation of the sample under non-oscillating stress is monitored against time or temperature while the temperature of the sample, in a specified atmosphere, is programmed. The stress may be compression, tension, flexure or torsion.


It is an excellent tool for studying the expansion behavior and softening temperature of various materials such as thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, adhesives and coatings, films and fibers, metals, ceramics and composites.


1. Place the specimen on the sample support
2. Place the temperature sensor as close to the specimen as possible
3. Determine the length of the specimen at the beginning of the experiment using a displacement transducer
4. Select the temperature range, rate of rise and fall, and applied load
5. Record the TMA curve as a function of temperature or time
6. Compare the blank curve with the TMA curve obtained from the experiment and perform the required calibration


• Thermomechanical Analyzers
• Suitable sample matrices: Thermoplastics, Thermosets, Elastomers, Ceramics, Metals, Adhesives