Study of interactions between Rh6G and dGTP by Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) (CAT#: STEM-MB-1113-WXH)


Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) is a highly fluorescent rhodamine family dye. It is often used as a tracer dye within water to determine the rate and direction of flow and transport. Rhodamine dyes fluoresce and can thus be detected easily and inexpensively with instruments called fluorometers. Rhodamine dyes are used extensively in biotechnology applications such as fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and ELISA.
Deoxyguanosine triphosphate (dGTP) is a nucleoside triphosphate, and a nucleotide precursor used in cells for DNA synthesis. The substance is used in the polymerase chain reaction technique, in sequencing, and in cloning. It is also the competitor of inhibition onset by acyclovir in the treatment of HSV virus.


Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a statistical analysis, via time correlation, of stationary fluctuations of the fluorescence intensity. Its theoretical underpinning originated from L. Onsager's regression hypothesis. The analysis provides kinetic parameters of the physical processes underlying the fluctuations. One of the interesting applications of this is an analysis of the concentration fluctuations of fluorescent particles (molecules) in solution. In this application, the fluorescence emitted from a very tiny space in solution containing a small number of fluorescent particles (molecules) is observed. The fluorescence intensity is fluctuating due to Brownian motion of the particles. In other words, the number of the particles in the sub-space defined by the optical system is randomly changing around the average number. The analysis gives the average number of fluorescent particles and average diffusion time, when the particle is passing through the space. Eventually, both the concentration and size of the particle (molecule) are determined. Both parameters are important in biochemical research, biophysics, and chemistry.


• Measurement of the diffusion coefficient of biomolecules
• Detection of translational diffusions
• Measurement of the biomolecular concentration in vitro or in vivo
• Quantification of the viscosity of a solution
• Monitoring the binding or unbinding of two kinds of biomolecules
• Probing the diffusion paths of different directions and mapping the intercellular obstacles


1. Sample Preparation
2. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) testing
3. Data analysis


Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer