T-maze, Methacrylat, Bioseb (CAT#: STEM-LEAR-1166-YJL)

Cat Number: STEM-LEAR-1166-YJL

Application: For the investigation of spatial learning and memory

Model: LE844

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T-maze, Methacrylat, model LE844 is manufactured by Bioseb
The 'T-maze' developped by BIOSEB is used to assess cognitive ability in rodents.
Our maze, shaped like a T, is made in non-reflective color that will not retain odors.


Dimensions - Animal Container: T-maze Large Rat - Arms: 50 x 15 x 45 cm (20 x 6 x 18 in) (L x W x H) T-maze Mice - Arms: 30 x 6 x 15 cm (12 x 2.5 x 6 in) (L x W x H) T-maze Rat - Arms: 50 x 10 x 25 cm (20 x 4 x 10 in) (L x W x H)
Materials: Methacrylate Mice: Grey floors/wall Rats: Black floor with grey walls

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