TacticID®-N Plus Handheld Raman, 19 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm, B&W Tek (CAT#: STEM-LE-1634-Y)


The largest narcotics and drug library in the industry.
USB, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi connection.
Indirect contact analysis.

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1634-Y

Application: application:<br />Identification of non-destructive narcotic drugs.<br />Identify drugs, cutting agents and precursors.<br />Actionable identification of illegal substances.

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The TacticID®-N Plus Handheld Raman is manufactured by B&W Tek. It has an intuitive workflow and a touch screen, allowing non-destructive analysis of samples through opaque and transparent packaging.


Excitation wavelength: 785nm
Spectral range: 176cm-1 to 2900cm-1
Laser output power: 300 +/- 30 mW, 100%, adjustable in 10% increments
Display: high brightness and high resolution touch screen
Software: TOS Plus (embedded), TID Plus (PC)
Data format: .txt, .csv, .spc, .pdf
AC adapter: DC 18 V, 1.67 A
Weight: ~2.2 pounds
Size: 7.5 inches x 3.9 inches x 2.0 inches
Protection level: IP65


The largest narcotics and drug library in the industry.
USB, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi connection.
Indirect contact analysis.
Quick notes on the touch screen.
Onboard camera.
Identify the components and threat levels in the mixed sample.
To provide immediate visual safety information.

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