TC-550 Circulating Water Bath (CAT#: AM-LE-1361-Y)


• Built-in circulation pump connected with external equipment
• The viscosity can be measured directly in the bath and can accommodate a 600 mL beaker
• Provide independent operation without running water

Cat Number: AM-LE-1361-Y

Model: TC-550

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The TC-550 Circulating Water Bath is manufactured by AMETEK Brookfield, a stylish new design with rounded corners, a new color scheme and a composite deck that is both antifouling and chemical resistant. Its control head can be rotated, and the new menu-driven color touch screen in the AP controller is easy to use. The operating temperature range of each model is -20° to 150°C. The built-in circulation pump, can be used with MX, SD or AP controllers.


Temperature Range:20°C to 200°C (depending on model)
Volume:7 L
Control Type:MX/SD/AP
Dimensions:(WxDxH) 16.2 x 23.2 x 17.3 in
Accuracy:LCD/Scroll Touch/Touch Screen (depending on model)


• Built-in circulation pump connected with external equipment
• The viscosity can be measured directly in the bath and can accommodate a 600 mL beaker
• Provide independent operation without running water
• Easy to control set point
• The programmable controller version is designed to automatically control the sample temperature