Thermo Forma Model 8890 Glassware Washer, Forma Scientific (CAT#: STEM-GLE-0662-LGZ)


1. Indoor approx. 33.0 " f/b x 30.5" l/r x 27.3" high
2. 17 gallons of water per wash
3. The 3 HP main cleaning pump drives the spray arm that rotates up and down, while the 1.5 HP pump supplies distilled water

Cat Number: STEM-GLE-0662-LGZ

Application: For Glassware cleaning.

Model: 8890

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The manufacturer of Thermo Forma Model 8890 Glassware Washer is Forma Scientific. Model is 8890. There are three operating modes; electric heating, steam heating, or electric and steam heating.


Condition: used
Interior dimensions: 5W x 27.2T x 33.0F-B inches
Exterior dimensions: 0W x 77.2T x 47.6F-B inches
Water reservoir: Holds 29 gallons of distilled water
Controls: Microprocessor-based programming unit
Programs: 9-preset programs with 10 functions each


1. Indoor approx. 33.0 " f/b x 30.5" l/r x 27.3" high
2. 17 gallons of water per wash
3. The 3 HP main cleaning pump drives the spray arm that rotates up and down, while the 1.5 HP pump supplies distilled water
4. Programming capability of cold water wash and rinse allows proteins to be washed from glassware instead of baking them on with traditional hot water wash and cold water rinse.

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