The manufacturer of the Thermo Niton XL3T 700S Hand Held XRAY Analyzer is Thermo Fisher Scientific. Refurbished Thermo Niton XL3T 700S Hand Held XRAY Analyzer. This model is used for toys and RoHS compliance screening.
Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned Weight: < 3.0 lbs (< 1.3 kg) Dimensions: 9.60 x 9.05 x 3.75 in. (244 x 230 x 95.5 mm) Tube: Au anode 50kV maximum, 100uA maximum Ag anode with optional light element analysis package Detector: High-performance semiconductor System Electronics: 533 MHz ARM 11 CPU 300 MHz dedicated DSP 80 MHz ASICS DSP for signal processing 4096 channel MCA 32 MB internal system memory/ 128 MB internal user storage Batteries: Two 4 (or optional 6) cell lithium-ion battery packs Display: Adjustable angle, color, touch-screen display Standard Analytical Range: >25 elements from S to U Optional Light Elements: Additional elements Mg, Al, Si, and P via helium purge Data Storage: Internal >10,000 readings with spectra Data Transfer: USB, Bluetooth and RS-232 serial communication Security: Password-protected user security Mode (Varies by Application): Alloy Modes: Metal Alloy, Electronics Alloy, Precious Metals Bulk Modes: Mining, Soil Plastic Modes: RoHS Plastics, Toy & Consumer Goods Plastics, TestAll™, Painted Products Other Modes: Lead Paint, Thin Sample Custom Modes: Upon request (based on application feasibility) Data Entry: Touch-screen keyboard User-programmable pick lists Optional wireless remote barcode reader Standard Accessories: Locking shielded carrying case RFID reader Shielded belt holster Spare battery pack 110/220 VAC battery charger/ AC adaptor PC connection cables (USB and RS-232) NITON Data Transfer (NDT) PC software Safety lanyard Check samples/standards Compliance: CE, RoHS
Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification In excellent condition Thoroughly cleaned Money back guarantee Certified with warranty
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