Thermo Niton XLP 818 Multi-Element Analyzer, Thermo Fisher Scientific (CAT#: STEM-SPO-0370-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-SPO-0370-ZJF

Application: For X-ray fluorescence to detect and measure elements

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The manufacturer of the Thermo Niton XLP 818 Multi-Element Analyzer is Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Refurbished Thermo Niton XLP 818 multi-element analyzer complete with wireless printer. Equipped with Bluetooth wireless. Optional: extra holster, extra battery and Thermo Niton Apex printer (p/n 78728S1-3).


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Primary Excitation Source: 241 Am Maximum: 30 mCi (1110 MBq)
Radiation Exposure: With safety's shutter(s) open while testing samples: exposure to user's hand <05 mR/hr (<.05 µSv/hr).
Radiation Safety Features: Password protected shutter operation (4) shutter-open indicator LED's Automatic shutter close and lock mechanism - activates in event of bat
X-ray Detector: High-Performance thermo-electricity cooled solid state detector system
Display: Back-lit 1/4 VGA touch screen LCD visible in all conditions
Internal data storage: >7000 readings with x-ray spectra. Sort and display stored readings at any time.
Analysis Range: 22 Standard alloying elements in the range Ti(22) to Bi(83)
Remote Operation: Full remote control capability via PC software and standard accessory cable connector
Data Entry: Via standard touch-screen barcode scanner and /or via PC using RS-232 port and standard accessory cable
Operating Conditions: Temperature Range 200 - 1220 F (-70 to 500 C0)
Dimensions: US: 9.75 x 10.35 x 3.75 in. Metric: 24.77 x 26.3 x 9.5 cm


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Money back guarantee
Certified with warranty

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