Three60™ Sampling System (CAT#: AM-BP-0665-LC)


Can connect with 3.8 cm (1.5 in.) sanitary connector
Don't require expensive hardware
Each Three60 package contains one quick-spin valve and four assemblies with pinch-and-cut disconnections

Cat Number: AM-BP-0665-LC

Application: Obtain representative sample

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Thermo Scientific™ Three60 ™ sampling system enables you to easily obtain a representative sample of your product. The fluid paths of the four biological process containers (BPCs) and components which are pre-irradiated have quick-spin valves and pinch-and-cut disconnections for fluid transfer and removal.Three60 ™ sampling system composed of Thermo Scientific™ ASI ™ 77 membrane which is 5 layers, 7 mL, polyethylene membrane, includes 2 ports (one Luer lock insert with cover and one injection site)


Dimensions: 12.0 x 10.0 cm (4.72 x 3.94 in.)
Film Description: ASI™ 77 Ethyl Vinyl Acetate (EVA)
Outer Packaging: Packaged with a thermoform tray and sealed
Port Detail: Luer lock insert and body connector, Three60 sampling valve with pinch and cut disconnections
Volume: 50 mL
Unit Size: 8/case
Recommended Storage and Shipping Condition: Room Temperature
Sterilization: Irradiation


Can connect with 3.8 cm (1.5 in.) sanitary connector
Don't require expensive hardware
Each Three60 package contains one quick-spin valve and four assemblies with pinch-and-cut disconnections
Eliminate cleaning steps required by reusable containers afer use, and decrease the risks of cross-contamination

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