TriPlus™ 300 Headspace Autosampler, Thermo Fisher Scientific (CAT#: STEM-LE-1694-LC)


Exceptional Analytical Results
Unmatched Flexibility
Higher Throughput, Longer Unattended Operation

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1694-LC

Application: Pharmaceutical, Forensic, Environmental, Food Safety Applications

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The Thermo Scientific TriPlus 300 headspace autosampler provide laboratory which analysis organic volatiles with fast startup, high productivity, and maximum flexibility. Excellent sample integrity and traceability, end-to-end inert sample path, full compatiblity with multiple chromatographic data systems, and chromatographer-friendly local user interface enhance the system's functionality and analytical performance in various applications.


Temperature Range:30 to 300°C


Exceptional Analytical Results
Unmatched Flexibility
Higher Throughput, Longer Unattended Operation
Easy to Use, Easy to Manage

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