Turbo-V 2300 TwisTorr Pump, Turbo-V 2300 TwisTorr, 12 in. ConFlat, Rack, Agilent Technologies (CAT#: STEM-LE-0786-Y)


• The motor can shorten the starting time and improve the stability of the pump in the case of gas load changes
• Lower heat dissipation and higher vacuum performance
• Optimized air cooling system

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0786-Y

Model: 9696001

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The Turbo-V 2300 TwisTorr Pump is manufactured by Agilent Technologies, this pump uses the most advanced technology available. The cutting-edge Twistorr technology is the highest compression ratio turbomolecular pump for small molecule gases on the market today. Small, economical dry vortex pumps, such as the Agilent TS600, are used as precursor pumps.


N2 pumping speed (*)N2: 2050 L/s
He pumping speed (*): N2: 1800 L/s
H2 pumping speed (*): 1500 L/s
N2 compression ratio:> 8 × 10^8
He compression ratio: 8 × 10^5
H2 compression ratio: 4 × 10^4
Ultimate vacuum* (use the recommended backing pump): 10^-10 mbar (7.5 x 10^-11 Torr)
N2 Maximum foreline pressure: 4 mbar
Inlet flange: ISO 250F, CFF 12 inches (outer diameter)
Front pipe flange: KF 40 NW


• The motor can shorten the starting time and improve the stability of the pump in the case of gas load changes
• Lower heat dissipation and higher vacuum performance
• Optimized air cooling system
• Advanced water cooling system
• Turbo-V 2300 solution includes stand-alone pump and rack-mounted display control unit
• Clean, maintenance-free vacuum
• Advanced rotor design combined with TwisTorr technology reduces the number of pump stages
• Unique integral rotor can reduce material stress and improve assembly tolerance