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Varian 50 Bio Spectrophotometer UV/Vis Reader, Varian (CAT#: STEM-S-1408-LGZ)


1. Double beam.
2. Czerny-Turner Monochromator.
3. 190 - 1100 nm wavelength range.

Cat Number: STEM-S-1408-LGZ

Application: For spectral scanning, photometric, quantitative and kinetic methods.

Model: 50 Bio

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The manufacturer of Varian 50 Bio Spectrophotometer UV/Vis Reader is Varian. Model is 50 Bio. The Varian Cary 50 Bio UV-Visible Spectrophotometer with Cary 16 Channel-MPM Code 1003-0203, the data collection rate is 80 points per second; the maximum scanning rate is 24,000 nanometer/minute; the wavelength range is 190-1100 nm, the scanning time is less than 3 seconds ; High focus and very strong beam, even with small pores and micro units, can achieve excellent noise performance. The super concentrated light beam of Varian Cary 50 makes it an ideal choice for optical fiber work, providing excellent coupling efficiency and optical flux. Its immune to indoor light makes the shielding of optical fiber probes unnecessary.


Condition: used
Grating: Holographic, 27.5 x 35 mm, 1200 lines/mm, blaze angle 8.6° at 240 nm
Beam Splitting System: Beam splitter
Detectors: Two silicon diode detectors
UV-Vis Limiting Resolution (nm): 1.5
Toluene/Hexane Limiting Resolution Test: 1.65
Stray Light (%T) at 198 nm (12 g/L KCl, TGA and BP/EP method): 0.53%
Stray Light at 220 nm (10 g/L NaI ASTM method): 0.02%
Stray Light at 370 nm (50 mg/L NaNO2): 0.018%
Wavelength Range (nm): 190–1100
Wavelength Accuracy (nm): ±0.07 at 541.94 nm, ± 0.24 at 260.54 nm
Wavelength Reproducibility (nm): ±0.01
Photometric Accuracy (Abs) Using NIST 930D filters at 1 Abs: ±0.0007
Photometric Accuracy (Abs) Using NIST 930D filters at 0.2, 0.5 and 0.75 Abs (14.2% w/v KNO3, TGA method): ±0.01,
Photometric Accuracy (Abs) Using NIST 930 filters at 0.292 to 0.865 Abs (60.06 mg/L K2Cr2O7, BP method): ±0.01, 0.955 Abs
Photometric Accuracy (Abs) Using NIST 930 filters at 0.292 to 0.865 Abs (600.06 mg/L K2Cr2O7, BP method): ±0.012
Photometric Range (Abs): 3.3
Photometric Display: ±9.9999 Abs, ±200.00 %T


1. Double beam.
2. Czerny-Turner Monochromator.
3. 190 - 1100 nm wavelength range.
4. About 1.5 nm fixed spectral bandwidth.
5. Full spectrum xenon pulse lamp single light source.
6. The lifespan is super long.
7. Dual silicon diode detectors.
8. Quartz coated optics.
9. Scan rate up to 24000 nm/min.
10. 80 data points per second maximum measurement rate.
11. Non-measured phase stepping wavelength drive.
12. Indoor photoimmunity.
13. PC central control.

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