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Victor3 V Multilabel Counter, Perkin Elmer (CAT#: STEM-CTEPO-0134-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-CTEPO-0134-ZJF

Application: For molecular biology analysis

Model: Victor3 1420-051

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The manufacturer of the Victor3 V Multilabel Counter, Perkin Elmer is Perkin Elmer.
Refurbished Perkin Elmer Victor3 V multilabel counter (p/n 1420-051). The Wallac 1420 VICTOR3 V is a multilabel, multitask plate reader designed to support the future demands of industrial and academic laboratories for multiple assay technologies on a single platform. The top of the line version of the successful Wallac VICTOR multilabel reader, the VICTOR3 V allows immediate access to more than 10 counting modes, covering all of the main nonradioactive counting technologies.


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Light Sources:
Tungsten-halogen lamp
For fluorescence and absorbance measurements.
Xenon flash lamp
For TR-fluorescence and UV absorbance measurements.
Detection units:
Photomultiplier tube
For fluorescence, luminescence and TR-fluorescence measurements.
For absorbance measurements.
Plate Formats: 1 to 1536
Linear, orbital and double orbital.
Duration, speed and amplitude are adjustable.
Temperature Control:
Temperature range: from 2 °C above ambient up to 45 °C (0.1 °C increments)
Uniformity: ± 1 °C
Heating time: < 10 minutes (from RT up to 37 °C)
Dispenser: The dispenser module consists of 1-4 high quality syringes. Depending on the dispenser option, up to 4 separate channels can be directed to one well (96-well plate).
Dispense volume: 5-350 μL (1 μL increments)
Accuracy typically: < 5 % for 5 μL, < 0.5 % for 50 μL, < 0.05 % for 350 μL
Precision typically: < 1.4 % for 5 μL, < 0.2 % for 50 μL, < 0.02 % for 350 μL
Speed: Minimum and maximum speeds are related to the volume.
Dead volume: < 0.5 mL
Detection limit specifications with default settings
96-well black plate (200 μL)
Fluorescein: typically < 2 fmol/well, 10 pM
Linearity: > 5 decades
Crosstalk: < 0.01 %
Umbelliferone: typically < 200 fmol/well, 1 nM
Rhodamine: typically < 100 fmol/well, 0.5 nM
96-well clear plate (200 μL)
Europium: typically < 10 amol/well, 50 fM
Linearity: > 5 decades
Crosstalk: < 0.01 %
Terbium: typically < 5 amol/well, 25 fM
Samarium: typically < 50 amol/well, 250 fM
Dysprosium: typically < 150 amol/well, 750 fM
Fluorescence polarization
384-well black plate
Fluorescein: 1 nM, 40 μL
Standard deviation: < 5 mP
96-well plate
Lower limit of detection (LLD): total flux of 20,000 photons/s (standard PMT) 100,000 photons/s (red sensitive PMT) typically 1 amol/well with
ALP: AMPPD substrate
ATP: typically 80 amol/well in flash assays
Luciferase: 0.9 pg/well using steadylite
96-well plate
Measuring range @ 405 nm: 0-4 A
Accuracy @ 405 nm: < 2 % (or 0.01 A) within 0-2 A
Precision @ 405 nm: < 0.5 % (or 0.01 A) within 0-2 A
PC configurations
Minimum requirements for the PC is a Windows® XP/2000 compatible Pentium
computer, minimum 256 MB memory, equipped with CD-ROM, SuperVGA display with
minimum 800 x 600 resolution and 256 colors.
Physical data
Height: 383 mm (15.5"); with stackers 510 mm (20")
Depth: 590 mm (23.5")
Width: 485 mm (19")
Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs); with stackers 59.5 kg (131.2 lbs)
Power Requirements
Power consumption: 250 VA
Main voltage: 110-120 V/220-240 V, 50/60 Hz


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Money back guarantee
Certified with warranty

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