Wallach Coated Vaginal Speculums, View-More Speculum, Large, Wallach Surgical Devices (CAT#: STEM-OGAC-0042-LC)


Coated with non-conductive polymer
Non-conductive for electrosurgery
Includes Disposable Smoke Evacuation (DSE) tubing guide

Cat Number: STEM-OGAC-0042-LC

Application: Ideal for use in Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedures (LEEP) / Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone (LLETZ) procedures

Model: 903023

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Wallach Coated Vaginal Speculums manufactured by Wallach Surgical Devices feature a non-conductive polymer coating and are ideal for use in Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedures (LEEP) / Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone (LLETZ) procedures, making them ideal for gynecology clinics, OB/GYN offices, and other specialty clinics.. Wallach Coated Vaginal Specula are conveniently reusable, autoclavable, and feature disposable smoke evacuation (DSE) tubing guides.
Coated Vaginal Speculums are available in a wide range of industry standard styles and sizes, including Graves, Pederson, View-More, View-Maxi, and Omni 4 Blade specula.


Blade Size: 4.5" x 1.38" (11.43 x 3.5 cm)
Dimensions: 4.5" x 1.38" (11.43 x 3.5 cm)
Yoke Width: 1.57" (4 cm)
Yoke Width: 1.57" (4 cm)


Coated with non-conductive polymer
Non-conductive for electrosurgery
Includes Disposable Smoke Evacuation (DSE) tubing guide
Lateral vaginal wall retractor available to permit exposure of cervix
Vaginal wall retractor fits into standard specula
Ideal for use with lateral vaginal wall retractor
Provides easy instrument access and enhanced view

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