The manufacturer of Welch 1400N Vacuum Pump is Welch. Model is 1400N. The ChemStar belt vacuum pump can withstand severe chemical contamination. Large reservoirs, with Teflon surfaces, dilute contamination, and the low speed of the pump reduces friction for lower operating temperatures and chemical effects.
1. It is low speed and has a long service life. 2. Corrosion-resistant important parts. 3. Large reservoirs can dilute contaminants. 4. The ChemStar belt vacuum pump can withstand severe chemical contamination. Large reservoirs, with Teflon surfaces, dilute contamination, and the low speed of the pump reduces friction for lower operating temperatures and chemical effects. 5. PTFE surface, fluorocarbon gaskets and seals, nitrogen purged cooling and degassed oil. 6. Equipped with Gold Lube, a synthetic lube designed to minimize the effects of chemical contaminants.