X-Strata920 EDXRF Analyzer, Element Range: Ti–U or Al–U, Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science America, Inc (CAT#: STEM-CA-0006-LKN)

Cat Number: STEM-CA-0006-LKN

Application: For simple, rapid coating thickness and composition analysis.

Model: X-Strata920

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X-Strata920 EDXRF Analyzer is manufactured by Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science America, Inc. This product is a high performance, compact, robust and reliable quality control analyzer for simple, fast coating thickness and composition analysis. The X-Strata920 uses energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) non-destructive analysis technology to generate X-ray spectra of samples. It has a variety of chamber and base configurations to accommodate samples of different shapes and sizes.


Largest sample: 270 x 500 x 150 mm.
Maximum number of collimators: 6.
Filters: 1.
Smallest collimator: 0.01 x 0.25 mm (0.5 x10 mil).

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