YSI Tele-thermometer, YSI Incorporated (CAT#: STEM-GLEPO-0253-YJL)

Cat Number: STEM-GLEPO-0253-YJL

Application: For measuring the temperature of a system

Model: 45TA

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YSI Tele-thermometer, model 45TA, is manufactured by YSI Incorporated.
This piece consists of a brown plastic box with a black handle. On the front of the box is a scale marking a range of temperatures from 0 to 50 degrees celsius, with a red needle indicating the measured temperature. To the right of this scale is a metal toggle switch marked "ON” and a black plastic knob marked "ADJ TO RED LINE”. To the left of the scale are two jacks marked "RECORDER,”, one framed in red and the second in black. A third jack is marked "PROBE” and a rubber-coated gray cord is plugged into it. At the end f this cord is a shorter white wire that makes up the sensor for the thermometer. The gray cord is approximately 353cm long. When the toggle switch is flipped on, the instrument functions to measure the temperatures to which the white sensor is exposed.


Condition: Used

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