Zeto WR19 EEG Headset, 100-240V, Unknown (CAT#: STEM-CTEPO-0150-YJL)


Faster to set up, as no skin preparation is needed
Finds electrode positions without the need for using a measuring tape
Less cumbersome as it uses no EEG lead wires

Cat Number: STEM-CTEPO-0150-YJL

Application: It is used for medical research, understanding mental states, and diagnosing certain medical conditions, such as epilepsy and sleep disorders.

Model: WR19

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Zeto WR19 EEG Headset, 100-240V, model WR19, whose manufacturer is unknown.
This device is intended for use on a healthy scalp on teen and adult humans having a head circumference between 54-61 cm. EEG test subjects may be bald or may have hair. Hair must be split in a way which allows direct connection of the electrodes to the scalp. To have a complete EEG test result, all electrodes must properly land on the scalp of the subject. This device is only operational when connected to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network. The network shall use WPA or WPA2 encryption, and shall not use captive portal authorization. The IT network shall allow communication to the public Internet. When not in use for long time, store the device in half-charged state at room temperature to promote prolonged battery performance.


Condition: Used
Electrical: 100-240V, 50/60hz
Includes Accessories


Faster to set up, as no skin preparation is needed
Finds electrode positions without the need for using a measuring tape
Less cumbersome as it uses no EEG lead wires
Uses latest semiconductor technology to provide better resolution and sampling rate
Packed with all convenient features, such as landing LED lights to help checking how electrodes land, built-in sensor for recording photic stimulation in sync with the EEG, and of course, a builtin ECG to detect heart rate changes during an EEG session
Comes with a hassle-free software what you can run on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer

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