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0.5ml Biologix Conical Screw Cap Microtubes, w/Caps, 500/pk, Bioland Scientific, LLC. (CAT#: STEM-LC-1985-LC)


Superior clarity and phenomenal strength
Universal screw threads for use
Tubes fit most common rotors

Cat Number: STEM-LC-1985-LC

Application: Ideal for long-time sample storage in vapor phase liquid nitrogen and boiling applications

Model: TUBESC005-01

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0.5ml Biologix Conical Screw Cap Microtubes manufactured by Bioland Scientific, LLC. are made of clear medical grade polypropylene. The silicone O-Ring forms a perfect seal against the rim of each tube.


Max. RCF: 20,000 x G
Working Temperature: -196°C to 121°C


Superior clarity and phenomenal strength
Universal screw threads for use
Tubes fit most common rotors
Autoclavable to 121°C and freezable to -181°C
Caps available in colors for optimum sample visibility and organization