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1260 Infinity Multi-Detector Bio-SEC System (CAT#: AM-LE-0799-Y)


• Ability to identify and characterize oligomers while obtaining information about aggregation and folding effects
• Light scattering detection provides reproducible and accurate molecular weight information without the need for narrow column polymer standards for column calibration
• Market-leading low dead volume light scattering detection technology can minimize any peak band broadening and ensure accurate absolute molecular weight

Cat Number: AM-LE-0799-Y

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The 1260 Infinity Multi-Detector Bio-SEC System is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. It has light scattering and dynamic light scattering functions. It can determine protein shape and size without SEC column calibration. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) is a standard method for the determination and quantitative analysis of monomers, dimers, aggregates, and potential degradants. It can be connected to the 1260 Infinity II bio-inert liquid chromatography system.


• Ability to identify and characterize oligomers while obtaining information about aggregation and folding effects
• Light scattering detection provides reproducible and accurate molecular weight information without the need for narrow column polymer standards for column calibration
• Market-leading low dead volume light scattering detection technology can minimize any peak band broadening and ensure accurate absolute molecular weight
• The same flow cell can also be used to perform dynamic light scattering measurements
• Since globulin is an asymmetric scatterer, it can provide precise details

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