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3100 OFFGEL Fractionator (CAT#: AM-LE-0594-Y)


• First-class user interface enables online control of each sample
• Depending on the consumable kit used, the OFFGEL classification based on isoelectric point can achieve a resolution of 01 -06 pH
• Liquid fraction recovery is easier to use for LC/MS analysis

Cat Number: AM-LE-0594-Y

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3100 OFFGEL Fractionator is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. This device uses the new isoelectric focusing technology to achieve excellent separation based on isoelectric points, and high reproducibility. The resulting fraction remains in solution, which makes it easier to recover samples for LC/MS analysis than traditional gel separation methods.


• First-class user interface enables online control of each sample
• Depending on the consumable kit used, the OFFGEL classification based on isoelectric point can achieve a resolution of 01 -06 pH
• Liquid fraction recovery is easier to use for LC/MS analysis
• Two power settings allow simultaneous separation of two samples with very different concentrations
• Sample loading from µg to mg
• Can run traditional gel isoelectric focusing and OFFGEL fractionation
• Simultaneous fractionation of up to 16 samples
• Online current control for each sample
• Pre-configuration methods for OFFGEL and gel mode