481 Radiation Detection Meter, Fluke (CAT#: STEM-AIAEPO-1062-ZJF)


Detects skin-dose (beta particle) and deep-dose (gamma) and X-ray radioactivity
Requires no adjustments; simple two button process
Provides promptly read, correct value through autoranging capability

Cat Number: STEM-AIAEPO-1062-ZJF

Application: For electrical test

Model: 481

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The manufacturer of the 481 Radiation Detection Meteris Fluke.
The Fluke 481 Radiation Survey Meter is a portable and practical means for identifying irradiated goods, and for helping remediate contamination and safety issues while minimally impacting operations.
The product is located in Elgin, IL, USA.


Condition: Certified Pre-owned
Radiation Detected:
Beta > 100 keV
Gamma > 7 keV
Operating Ranges:
0 mR/h to 5 mR/h (8 sec)
0 mR/h to 50 mR/h (2.5 sec)
0 mR/h to 500 mR/h (2 sec)
0 R/h to 5 R/h (2 sec)
0 R/h to 50 R/h (2 sec)
Accuracy: Within 10% of readings between 10% and 100% of full scale indication on any range, exclusive of energy response
Chamber (cc volume air ionization) 349 cc
Chamber wall (phenolic) 246 mg/cm²
Chamber window (mylar) 6.6 mg/cm²
Beta slide 440 mg/cm²
Automatic Features: Auto-zeroing, auto-ranging, and auto-backlight
Power Requirements: Two 9 V alkaline, 200 hours operation
Warm-up Time: One minute
Battery Life: Four+ hours continuous use per battery pack (assumes 50% brightness of LCD)
Dimensions (W x D x H): 10 x 20 x 15 cm (4 x 8 x 6 in)
Weight: 1.11 kg (2.5 lb)


Detects skin-dose (beta particle) and deep-dose (gamma) and X-ray radioactivity
Requires no adjustments; simple two button process
Provides promptly read, correct value through autoranging capability
Easily visible inside truck trailers and other low-light situations with automated backlight
Works dependably inside or outside thanks to sealed case
30% more precise than other available meters
Delivers more than one week of uninterrupted functioning with two 9-volt alkaline batteries
Proven in use by state and local governmental emergency response professionals, state inspectors, HAZMAT teams and nuclear power workers
Measures both dose and dose-rate
Valuable for contamination-detection, general radiation area metering, radiation-level monitoring, and hazardous materials assessment
Rugged Fluke design

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