The manufacturer of the 500 Evaporative Light Scattering Detector is Alltech. The Alltech 500 Evaporative Light Scattering Detector is ideal for analyzing many different pharmaceutical compounds. Its response is based on the concentration of the analyte, whether or not it absorbs UV light. It determines sample composition even for unknowns where standards and structural data are not available. Uses a simple three-step process that produces a signal for any non-volatile sample component: 1) Nebulization: Inside the nebulizer, the column effluent passes through a needle, mixes with nitrogen gas, and forms a dispersion of droplets. 2) Mobile Phase Evaporation: The droplets pass through a heated drift tube where the mobile phase evaporates leaving a fine mist of dried sample particles in solvent vapor. 3) Detection: The sample particles pass through a flowcell where they are hit with a laser light beam. Light scattered by the sample particles is detected, generating an electrical signal.