787 ProcessMeter Digital Multimeter, Fluke (CAT#: STEM-AIAEPO-1044-ZJF)


DMM and a loop calibrator in one rugged, handheld tool
Provides a precision 1000 V, 440 mA True-RMS digital multimeter designed to meet 1000 volt IEC 1010 CAT III standards
Features a clear LCD with backlight; 4,000 counts (30,000 counts for DC current)

Cat Number: STEM-AIAEPO-1044-ZJF

Application: To measure and record a variety of parameters

Model: 787

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The manufacturer of the 787 ProcessMeter Digital Multimeteris Fluke.
The Fluke 787 ProcessMeter combines a DMM and a Loop Calibrator in one rugged, handheld tool, for about what you would expect to pay for a loop calibrator alone.
The product is located in Rochester, NY, USA.


Condition: Certified Pre-owned
Current measurement
Range: 0-1 A
Resolution: 1 mA
Accuracy: 0.2% + 2 LSD
Range: 0-30 mA
Resolution: 0.001 mA
Accuracy: 0.05% + 2 LSD
Current sourcing
Range: 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA
Resolution: 0.05% of span
Drive Capability: 500 Ω @ 24 mA
To 19.999 kHz, 0.005% + 1 LSD
Beeps for resistance < 100 ohms
Voltage measurement
Range: 0-1000 V AC or DC
Resolution: 0.1 mV to 1.0 V
Accuracy: 0.1% Rdg + 1 LSD (VDC)
Resistance measurement
To 40 MΩ, 0.2% + 1 LSD
Diode test
2.4 V shows diode voltage drop


DMM and a loop calibrator in one rugged, handheld tool
Provides a precision 1000 V, 440 mA True-RMS digital multimeter designed to meet 1000 volt IEC 1010 CAT III standards
Features a clear LCD with backlight; 4,000 counts (30,000 counts for DC current)
Performs frequency measurements to 20 kHz

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