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AB Sciex API 5500 Qtrap LC/MS/MS w/ Agilent 1200 HPLC System LC/MS/MS Q Trap System, Sciex/Agilent Technologies (CAT#: STEM-C-0167-LGZ)


1. High sensitivity, benchtop hybrid triple quadrupole linear accelerator trap mass spectrometer for LC/MS/MS analysis.
2. The perfect combination of linac trap and triple quadrupole functionality uniquely allows for qualitative and quantitative analysis in a single experiment.

Cat Number: STEM-C-0167-LGZ

Application: For LC/MS System.

Model: API 5500/ Agilent 1200

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The manufacturer of AB Sciex API 5500 Qtrap LC/MS/MS w/ Agilent 1200 HPLC System LC/MS/MS Q Trap System is Sciex/Agilent Technologies . Model is API 5500/ Agilent 1200. Includes AB Sciex 5500 Qtrap LC/MS/MS, Agilent 1200 HPLC System, Agilent G1322A Degasser, Agilent G1311A Quat Pump, Agilent G1315D DAD (Diode Array Detector), Solvent Tray, Computer Loaded with Analyst 1.6 Software.


Condition: used
Sensitivity MRM mode Reserpine: 50 fg on column S/N > 2000
V.: < 5%
Triple quad scan speed: 12,000 Da/sec
Linear ion trap scan speed: 20,000 Da/sec
Polarity switching time: 50 msec
Minimum MRM Dwell Time: 1 msec
Triple quad mass range (m/z): 5-1250
Linear ion trap mass range (m/z): 50-1000
Cross talk for Reserpine 609/195: No significant cross talk detectable with 1 msec dwell time and 3 msec inter-MRM pause time
Triple quadrupole mass stability: 0.1 Da over 24 hours
Scan types: Full scan MS and selected ion for both Q1 and Q3, product ion scan, precursor ion scan, neutral loss or gain scan, multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), enhanced MS scan, enhanced product ion scan, enhanced resolution scan, MS scan, MRM3 scan, and TripleTrap scan modes


1. High sensitivity, benchtop hybrid triple quadrupole linear accelerator trap mass spectrometer for LC/MS/MS analysis.
2. The perfect combination of linac trap and triple quadrupole functionality uniquely allows for qualitative and quantitative analysis in a single experiment.

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