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Activmeter, Bioseb (CAT#: STEM-LEAR-1151-YJL)


The originality of the ACTIVMETER from Bioseb lies in its ability to quantify 3 parameters of animal behaviour:
Motionless Activity

Cat Number: STEM-LEAR-1151-YJL

Application: Bioseb’s new actimeter for rodents (rats and mice) is especially useful for following applications and research fields: <br />General phenotyping<br />Neurodegenerative diseases<br />Myopathy diseases<br />Global locomotor activity associated to radio telemetric measurements<br />Studies on Circadian rhythms and associated troubles<br />Models used to study psychiatric diseases such as STOP null mice showing disorganized activity and hypersensitivity to stressed event<br />Recovery on partial SCI models<br />And much more...


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Activmeter, model BIO-ACTIV2-M is manufactured by Bioseb
The uncomplicated way to monitor rodent activity over several days from their home cage without manual effort. Based only on weight analysis, Bioseb's ACTIVMETER measures accurately Activity and Locomotion of rodents (mice and rats) whatever the lights conditions.
It is usually set over up to 48 hours to quantify the activity over the circadian cycle.
The ACTIVMETER allows the accurate measurement of the rodent's activity in its familiar environment using the animal's 'Home Cage' (including grid, pellets and bottle), and it can also be used in any other kind of environment (open field, etc. ).


Accuracy: 1 cm
Data Output: USB-C
Dimensions - Animal Container: Eurostandard Type II L for Mice and type III for rats
Dimensions - Overall: L: 536 x l: 286 x h: 71, 5 mm
Experimental Subjects: Mice and Rats
Number Of Animals: 1 animal per Platform - Up to 8 platforms connected to 1 Software
Range: Experiment time from 300 seconds to 48 hours
Sampling Rate: 80 Hz
Software: Included dedicated software


The originality of the ACTIVMETER from Bioseb lies in its ability to quantify 3 parameters of animal behaviour:
Motionless Activity
Among other advantages, this actimeter is characterized by:
Its ease of use
The fact that the activity measurement can take place in the Home Cage instead of an Open Field
That the animal, mouse or rat, is unrestrained during the experiment
And it does not suffer any surgery that might affect is behavor

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