Agilent 35900E Multichannel Interface, Agilent Technologies (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0400-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0400-ZJF

Application: For chromatography

Model: Agilent 35900E

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The manufacturer of the Agilent 35900E Multichannel Interface, Agilent Technologies is Agilent Technologies.
Refurbished Agilent 35900E Multichannel Interface with choice of interface card: G1369C, G1369A, HPIB or Jet Direct J4100AA 400N. Connect any remote device to your Agilent Chemstation. Converts analog signal to digital (A/D) and interfaces to your Chemstation. Series C, D, and E with LAN connection. Cables specific to your instrument sold separately.


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Processor: Motorola 68331 at 16.78 MHz
Number of channels: Two independent
Type of A/D conversion: Continuously_integrating dual_slope, 100% area recovery
Memory: 1 MB RAM (expandable to 8 MB RAM)
Input signal voltage range: -18 mV to +1.0 V
Maximum (no damage): ±10 V
Analog dynamic range: >140 dB (less or equal to 2 Hz) typical
Resolution: 24 bits
Common_mode voltage: ±100 V maximum, relative to instrument chassis
DC input impedance:
Differential: 33 MΩ, typical; 8 MΩ, minimum
Common mode: 500 MΩ, minimum
Input noise:
40 nV rms, typical (with input shorted)
150 nV rms, maximum
Common-mode rejection: 140 dB minimum, dc to 100 Hz
Bandwidth: 15 Hz
Thermal drift:
0.8 μV per °C, typical: 0°C to 35°C
1.7 μV per °C, typical: 35°C to 55°C
3.5 μV per °C, maximum: 0°C to 35°C
10 μV per °C, maximum: 35°C to 55°C
Integral nonlinearity: (monotonically guaranteed)
0.004% FS, typical
0.02% FS, maximum
Conversion factor: 10 nV per count (3%)
Area resolution: 65 nV_second (3%)
A/D sampling rate: 0.1 to 100 Hz
RFI immunity: Maximum baseline shift of 50 _V with application of up to 3 V/m of RF field strength from 26 MHz of 1000 MHz.
325 mm (12.8 in.) wide
285 mm (11.2 in.) deep
104 mm (4.1 in.) high
Weight: 4.1 kg (9 lbs)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Money back guarantee
Certified with warranty

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