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Agilent TPS-flexy, TwisTorr 74FS KF40, Onboard C/U, Agilent Technologies (CAT#: STEM-LE-0739-Y)


• There are three models of 100, 120 and 240 V to choose from, and the operating range covers the whole world
• With vacuum gauge reading function, it can provide real-time pressure reading on the LCD display

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0739-Y

Model: X1699-64085

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The TPS-flexy is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. The Agilent TPS-flexy turbo molecular pump system is a flexible self-service (DIY) dry high vacuum system suitable for a variety of challenging applications. Users can arbitrarily combine the TwisTorr 74 FS or 305 FS turbo molecular pump, IDP-3 or IDP-7 scroll dry pump, MD-1 diaphragm pump, and vacuum gauge reading options to maximize the vacuum requirements.


• There are three models of 100, 120 and 240 V to choose from, and the operating range covers the whole world
• With vacuum gauge reading function, it can provide real-time pressure reading on the LCD display

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