Allihn Condensers, Joint Size 29/42, Jacket Length 200mm, STE-Mart (CAT#: STEM-CON-0036-LC)


With two hose connections
With standard taper inner joint at bottom and standard taper outer joint at top

Cat Number: STEM-CON-0036-LC

Application: Ideal for vacuum distillation

Model: A3489-D200mm-1EA

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Allihn Condensers provided by STE-Mart have a larger surface area than that of Liebig types and feature joints at the top and bottom. This bulb type Allihn condenser provides the best uniformity condensation effect and is ideal for vacuum distillation.


Material: Borosilicate glass
Color: Clear
Joint Size: 29/42
Jacket length: 200mm
Hose Connection O.D.: 10mm
Package: 1EA


With two hose connections
With standard taper inner joint at bottom and standard taper outer joint at top

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