AlumaSeal II Sealing Films, Non-Sterile, STE-Mart (CAT#: STEM-MPS-0273-LC)


36 µm soft non-permeable aluminum foil
Strong medical-grade acrylic adhesive
Easily pierceable with single or multichannel pipettors and robotic probes

Cat Number: STEM-MPS-0273-LC

Application: Ideal for PCR and cold storage

Model: 61-0020

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AlumaSeal II Sealing Films provided by STE-Mart are designed for PCR and cold storage. AlumaSeal II Sealing Films are heat & cold resistant, suitable for use under temperatures from -80 °C to +120 °. Eliminate the need for heat-sealing devices or mats during thermal cycling.


Description:AlumaSeal II Sealing Films, Non-Sterile
Size: 82.6 x 146.1 mm
Working temperatures: -80 °C to +120 °C


36 µm soft non-permeable aluminum foil
Strong medical-grade acrylic adhesive
Easily pierceable with single or multichannel pipettors and robotic probes
Certified DNase-, RNase-, and nucleic-acid-free
Excellent barrier properties, virtually no sample evaporation or drying

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