PK7300 Automated Microplate System (CAT#: AM-FBE-0050-LC)


High throughput of up to 300 samples per hour allows rapid analysis of large numbers of samples
Reduce training time with custom menus, icons and graphics with color keys
Programmable fully automatic startup mode for time and cost saving

Cat Number: AM-FBE-0050-LC

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The PK7300 is the industry leader in automated blood donor testing before blood transfusion. System functions include a throughput of 300 samples per hour, complete online system status updates, data transmission functions, and aspiration and dispense monitoring intelligence. PK7300 also self-monitors the process of key instruments through alarms, including the verification of abnormal results.


Analytical method: Agglutination method on terraced microplates
Channels: 12
Throughput: 300 samples/hour with 5 diluted sample cups; 266 samples per hour with 4 dilution cups
Sample capacity: 12 racks or 120 samples; continuous addition. Racks with 10 samples each (barcodes on primary tubes)
Sample tube size: In primary or secondary tubes: diameter: 12‒15 mm; height: 55‒102 mm
Sample: Plasma, serum, red blood cells; red blood cell suspension
Reagent tray: Up to 16 reagents can be loaded
Reagent vessel: Terraced microplates
Reaction time: 20‒60 minutes
Assays: ABO blood grouping, Rh typing, phenotyping (Rh, Kell and others), irregular antibody screening (with saline and enzyme method), infectious disease screening (TP, CMV and others)*
Sample barcode: NW-7; CODE39; CODE 128; ISBT-CODE128; and 2 of 5 interleaved


High throughput of up to 300 samples per hour allows rapid analysis of large numbers of samples
Reduce training time with custom menus, icons and graphics with color keys
Programmable fully automatic startup mode for time and cost saving
Onboard data management allows storage and searching of test results, and saves data for offline analysis and archiving
Use a high-resolution CCD camera for reliable analysis
Use bar codes to improve test reliability to automatically manage samples, microplates, reagents and diluents
Continuously monitor the distribution of samples, reagents and diluents; automatically detect, display and report abnormalities

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