The Galileo Echo controlled by microprocessor is intended to automate standard irnrnunohernatology in vitro diagnostic testing of human blood using a microstrip-based platform. Assays include A60 grouping and Rh (D) typing, identification of IgG red blood cell antibodies, compatibility testing and red blood cell phenotyping. Galileo Echo is a closed system that can only be used with the reagents specified in the Galileo Echo Operator Manual. All functions of Galileo Echo are fully automated, including: sample and reagent processing, pipetting, incubation, washing, shaking, centrifugation, reading and interpreting results. Automated process control and error detection mechanisms can greatly reduce even eliminate user error and invalidate suspicious results.
Full Automation. Continuous Access. Fast Turnaround Time. STAT Priority. Broad Test Menu. User Friendly Interface. Error Free Processes. Reflex panne.