HLA Fusion™ Software (CAT#: AM-FBE-0248-LC)


Supports the most current allele nomenclature format (v3)
Import raw data from the LABScan™ 100 flow analyzer, and uType reference files
Process results from Bio-Tek® ELX800-NB ELISA reader

Cat Number: AM-FBE-0248-LC

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HLA Fusion Software supports HLA screening and DNA typing products in clinical diagnostics. This software features analysis modules for One Lambda's IVD products such as FlowPRA™, LABScreen™ LABType™, LAT™, LCT™, Micro SSP™ and more.


Supports the most current allele nomenclature format (v3)
Import raw data from the LABScan™ 100 flow analyzer, and uType reference files
Process results from Bio-Tek® ELX800-NB ELISA reader
Manually enter reaction patterns
Easily update product information (new product and lot information)
Compile and print custom reports from your data
Export data in multiple formats for use in other systems
Compare results to One Lambda quality control (QC) data.
Automatically notifies user when catalog (.cat) updates are available
Use stand alone or in network environment

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