
Find donors from any device anytime, anywhere. Each donor may register as a potential donor. A registered donor can consider his eligibility to create and delete appointments. In this way, the donor can ensure that he meets the conditions of the selected date.
Easily connect to the hospital. Hospitals can place orders online based on product type (priority: normal, specific, discharge and emergency). Order management managed by the request center, automatic orders, etc.
eProgesa is a software that is unmatched in terms of functionality, scalability and technology in terms of configurability. eProgesa continues to prove that with its richness and adaptability, it can fully meet the needs of today and tomorrow.

Cat Number: AM-FBE-0251-LC

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ePROGESA Web-HTLM version software uses the latest technology to provide blood center with unparalleled functions. ePROGESA is designed for a variety of organizations, from a single center to a centralized organization at the national level. ePROGESA has accumulated advanced functions from donor promotion to final distribution of blood units.


Find donors from any device anytime, anywhere. Each donor may register as a potential donor. A registered donor can consider his eligibility to create and delete appointments. In this way, the donor can ensure that he meets the conditions of the selected date.
Easily connect to the hospital. Hospitals can place orders online based on product type (priority: normal, specific, discharge and emergency). Order management managed by the request center, automatic orders, etc.
eProgesa is a software that is unmatched in terms of functionality, scalability and technology in terms of configurability. eProgesa continues to prove that with its richness and adaptability, it can fully meet the needs of today and tomorrow.
eProgesa combines all the requirements of each process in one version, providing various options, solutions and innovations. Key functions can be expanded through advanced modules that can increase productivity, reduce donor recruitment costs and improve the donor experience, while maintaining an appropriate supply chain.

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