Instrument Manager (CAT#: AM-FBE-0256-LC)


Lab-wide and multi-lab integration, enabling an open and expansive ecosystem to integrate virtually any instrument regardless of vendor
Flexible, powerful productivity solutions tailored to your lab's unique processes so you can focus on what's important
A second line of quality defense with real-time, proactive capabilities to catch, correct, manage, and report on issues as they arise

Cat Number: AM-FBE-0256-LC

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Instrument Manager has delivered industry-leading lab enablement solutions for more than 30 years. We empower labs to optimize patient care through transformative laboratory enterprise management solutions spanning Connectivity, Quality, Productivity, Analytics & Intelligence, and Performance & Reliability.


Lab-wide and multi-lab integration, enabling an open and expansive ecosystem to integrate virtually any instrument regardless of vendor
Flexible, powerful productivity solutions tailored to your lab's unique processes so you can focus on what's important
A second line of quality defense with real-time, proactive capabilities to catch, correct, manage, and report on issues as they arise
Always-on High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutions to ensure seamless lab operations
Real-time analytics – powered by tools you use – for operational insight into bottlenecks, efficiency issues, and key KPIs

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