Calibrex™ organo 525 Adjustable Bottle-top Dispensers With Stopcock, 10-100 mL, SOCOREX (CAT#: AM-LH-2681-TT)


Ground plunger
Best for organic solvents
Permanent fluid path visibility

Cat Number: AM-LH-2681-TT

Application: Accurate liquid handling

Model: 525.100FC

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The Calibrex™ organo 525 Adjustable Bottle-top Dispensers With Stopcock, 10-100 mL, SOCOREX is a new generation of bottles that match most reagent bottles designed to dispensing liquids safely and repeatedly. It is strong and durable, with excellent chemical resistance, high performance and easy maintenance. The cap dispenser includes a frosted glass or ceramic plunger, which is suitable for both organic and amorphous acid-base solutions. Provide feed pipe, delivery nozzle with plug, bottleneck adapter, quality control certificate and operation instructions. Two year warranty.


Ground plunger
Best for organic solvents
Permanent fluid path visibility
Integrated calibration system
Adjustment button can be selected for each unit
Flow control system with plug valve
Two dimensional code access compatibility diagram
Autoclave at 121 ° C / 250 ° F, fully assembled

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