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Dispensette® S DE-M Trace Analysis Analog-adjustable Bottle-top Dispenser, 1-10 mL, with recirculation PT/IR valve, BRAND (CAT#: AM-LH-2763-TT)


The 45mm standard thread and the attached adapter are suitable for most common laboratory bottles.
The valve block can be rotated 360 degrees so that the bottle label is always facing the user to ensure safety.
The telescopic filling tube can adjust different bottle sizes.

Cat Number: AM-LH-2763-TT

Application: Liquid dispensing

Model: 4640041

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The Dispensette® S DE-M Trace Analysis Analog-adjustable Bottle-top Dispenser, 1 - 10 mL, with recirculation PT/IR valve, BRAND provides excellent performance for accurate batch dispensing of trace analysis high purity media. The plastics in contact with the media of this product are composed of high-purity materials, such as polytetrafluoroethylene, ETFE, FEP and PFA. The purest sapphire is used for replaceable valves. Depending on the application, platinum iridium or tantalum can be used as spring materials. If contamination of the contents of the bottle must be avoided, we recommend using a device without a recirculation valve.
Items supplied: Dispensette® S Trace Analysis bottle-top dispenser, DE-M marking, performance certificate, telescoping filling tube, recirculation tube (optional), mounting tool and bottle adapters GL 28/S 28 (ETFE), GL 32 (ETFE) and S 40 (PTFE).


The 45mm standard thread and the attached adapter are suitable for most common laboratory bottles.
The valve block can be rotated 360 degrees so that the bottle label is always facing the user to ensure safety.
The telescopic filling tube can adjust different bottle sizes.
Easy to remove, easy to replace dispensing cartridge.

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