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Dialamatic Dispenser, 5-25 μL, Drummond (CAT#: AM-LH-2863-TT)


Total volume accuracy ± 1% (full volume)
Adjustable direct reading plunger sets the volume to be collected and distributed
The output scale is engraved on the plunger shaft

Cat Number: AM-LH-2863-TT

Application: Liquid handling

Model: 3-000-225

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The Dialamatic Dispenser, 5-25 μL, Drummond is designed with borosilicate glass bores and stainless steel plunger. All plungers have Teflon tips of 25 microliters or larger. The adjustable direct reading plunger is used to set the volume, and the delivery scale is directly engraved on the plunger shaft.
When collecting samples, fully press the plunger of the distributor, immerse the tip into the solution, and then slowly release the plunger. The exterior of the glass bore should be wiped free of any excess sample with a wiper, being careful to avoid drawing any sample from the end of the capillary. Then press the plunger of the distributor completely to discharge the sample. Contact the tip of the tube with the side of the receiving container or rotate the tip in the diluent to take out the entire sample.


Volume Range: 5-25 μL
Autoclavable: Yes
Speed Control: No
Programmable: No
Display: Analog


Total volume accuracy ± 1% (full volume)
Adjustable direct reading plunger sets the volume to be collected and distributed
The output scale is engraved on the plunger shaft
Partial delivery is possible using a pre marked index
Consists of borosilicate glass bores, stainless steel plungers and PTFE tips on all plungers