Active Articulation E1 (CAT#: AM-MP-0041-LC)


The large E1® bearings with high stability decrease the possibility of dislocation
The wide range of motion is up to 165 degrees
Compare to conventional hip replacement, the system reduces the wear by up to 95%.

Cat Number: AM-MP-0041-LC

Application: Hip replacement

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Active Articulation ™ E1® Hip System combines dual mobility with antioxidant injected bearing technology.
The E1® inserts are made with the natural antioxidant vitamin E, which prevents materials from being oxidized. Dual mobility hip implants use an aditional implant component. The system is characterized by a ball rotating inside a second ball which moves against a cup.


The large E1® bearings with high stability decrease the possibility of dislocation
The wide range of motion is up to 165 degrees
Compare to conventional hip replacement, the system reduces the wear by up to 95%.
Antioxidant implant technology