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Analysis of CEACAM1 by Differential Scanning Fluorimetry(DSF) (CAT#: STEM-MB-0827-WXH)


Carcinoembryonic Ag-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1), the primordial carcinoembryonic Ag gene family member, is a transmembrane cell adhesion molecule expressed in leukocytes, epithelia, and blood vessel endothelia in humans and rodents.
Human (h) carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1) function depends upon IgV-mediated homodimerization or heterodimerization with host ligands, including hCEACAM5, hTIM-3, PD-1, and a variety of microbial pathogens. However, there is little structural information available on how hCEACAM1 transitions between monomeric and dimeric states which in the latter case is critical for initiating hCEACAM1 activities.


Differential Scanning Fluorimetry measures protein thermal unfolding by monitoring changes in fluorescence emission of a sample upon heating. This allows the determination of protein thermostability and complex formation even with weakly binding ligands by thermal shift assay. Differential Scanning Fluorimetry is therefore ideally suited for screening of optimum buffer conditions like pH, buffer composition and ionic strength. The technique is applicable to any biological sample, from soluble proteins to integral membrane proteins.


To identify low-molecular-weight ligands that bind and stabilize purified proteins.
To measure the denaturation and unfolding of proteins.


1. Preparation of compound solutions
2. Preparation of buffer/additive screen plates
3. Preparation of compound storage plates
4. Equipment preparation
5. Sample preparation
81. Performing the scan


Real-time PCR instrument