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Analysis of MYC Gene Rearrangement by Southern Blot Technology (CAT#: STEM-MHT-0007-LGZ)


Official Full Name: MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor
Also known as: MRTL; MYCC; c-Myc; bHLHe39
This gene is a proto-oncogene and encodes a nuclear phosphoprotein that plays a role in cell cycle progression, apoptosis and cellular transformation. The encoded protein forms a heterodimer with the related transcription factor MAX. This complex binds to the E box DNA consensus sequence and regulates the transcription of specific target genes. Amplification of this gene is frequently observed in numerous human cancers. Translocations involving this gene are associated with Burkitt lymphoma and multiple myeloma in human patients. There is evidence to show that translation initiates both from an upstream, in-frame non-AUG (CUG) and a downstream AUG start site, resulting in the production of two isoforms with distinct N-termini.


Under certain conditions, two single strands of nucleic acid with certain homology can be specifically hybridized to form double strands according to the principle of base complementarity. Generally, DNA molecules to be detected are digested with restriction enzymes, separated by agar-gel electrophoresis, denatured and transferred to nitrocellulocellulose film or nylon film or other solid phase support according to their position in the gel, fixed and then reacted with DNA probes labeled with isotopes or other markers. This is followed by autoradiography or an enzyme reaction to detect the amount of specific DNA molecules. If the object to be tested contains a sequence that is complementary to the probe, the two are combined by the principle of base complementarity, and the free probe is washed and detected by self-development or other suitable techniques, thus revealing the fragment to be tested and its relative size.


Gene Rearrangement Detection


1. Sample Processing
2. DNA Extraction and Digestion
3. Gel Electrophoresis
4. Gel Pretreatment
5. Transfer membrane
6. Probe Labeling
7. Prehybridization (blocking)
8. Southern hybridization
9. Membrane washing
10. Autoradiographic Assay
11. Results Analysis


Sample: DNA, Bacterial Fluid/Tissue/Cell