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Capto HiRes Q 10/100, Cytiva (CAT#: STEM-C-1468-LC)


Excellent reproducibility, durability, and high chemical and pH stabilities

Cat Number: STEM-C-1468-LC

Application: Ideal for the preparation of highly pure proteins for structural studies and protein analysis

Model: 29-2758-81

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Capto HiRes Q maufactured by Cytiva is prepacked high-resolution columns for laboratory scale ion exchange chromatography. It is ideal for the preparation of highly pure proteins for structural studies with cryo-electron microscopy or protein crystallography and for protein analysis such as characterization of target protein charge variants. Capto HiRes Q is strong anion and strong cation exchanger, respectively with ion exchange properties that remain constant during chromatography within the recommended pH range of 2 to 12. The column features fittings for convenient connection to ÄKTA chromatography systems or equivalent high-performance systems. All column parts are biocompatible.


Bed dimensions: 10 × 100 mm
Flow rate1 Recommended: 0.5 to 2.0 mL/min
Pack size: 1


Excellent reproducibility, durability, and high chemical and pH stabilities

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