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ceraMotion® Zr, DENTAURUM (CAT#: STEM-ME-0329-LX)


Highest bond strength, particularly with non-precious alloys.
Shortest firing times since there is no need for long-term cooling also for non-precious alloys.
Bonder and fine paste opaque in one product.

Cat Number: STEM-ME-0329-LX

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ceraMotion® Zr is the veneering ceramic for the framework material zirconium oxide. It is also suitable for lithium disilicate or for color and shape corrections with the press-on ceramic ceraMotion® PZr.


Highest bond strength, particularly with non-precious alloys.
Shortest firing times since there is no need for long-term cooling also for non-precious alloys.
Bonder and fine paste opaque in one product.
Flexural strength: 95 MPa.
Simplest build-up technique.

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