Chemical compatibility testing is used to evaluate the chemical impact of the media to be filtered on the filtration device under specific process conditions. Filter chemical compatibility indicates that the process fluid and its process conditions do not have a negative impact on the specific performance of the filter.
Chemical compatibility testing should cover the entire filtration device, not just the membrane. The design of the test should consider the properties of the media to be filtered, filtration temperature and contact time. The filtration time during the test should reach or exceed the maximum process time of the actual production process, and the filtration temperature should reach or exceed the maximum temperature of the production process.
STEMart provides comprehensive and reliable chemical compatibility testing services to help manufacturers in selecting the right materials for specific chemical environments, thus ensuring the safety and longevity of their products.
Filter membrane, filter element, shell frame, sealing ring, support guide layer
For more information about our chemical compatibility testing services, please contact us.