CMI760 Thickness Benchtop Gauge is manufactured by Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science America, Inc. This product accepts a wide range of probe types and can meet almost any PCB application, including surface copper and through hole applications. It has strong expansibility and can be used for micro resistance and eddy current testing to accurately and accurately measure copper. Optional accessories can be used to measure through-hole copper thickness.
Dimensions: in : 11 1/2 (W) x 10 1/2 (D) x 5 1/2 (H), cm: 29.21 (W) x 26.67 (D) x 13.97 (H). Weight: 6 lbs. (2.7 kg). Unit: Select from mils, µm, µin, mm, in., or % as units for display. Display: Large LCD 480 (H) x 320 (V) pixels, backlit, wide-angle view. Statistical Display: Readings, standard deviation, mean, high/low. Charts: Histogram, trend, x-Bar, and r-chart.
Dual technology – eddy current and microresistance. Surface and thru-hole probes. Active statistical display. Optional foot switch.