Cole Parmer Masterflex 56C Motor Adaptor, 2200 rpm (CAT#: STEM-LAPO-0073-YJL)


Enables NEMA 56C Motors to Drive Masterflex L/S Pump Heads
Assembled in a Rugged Aluminum Housing with a Mounting Gasket, Plus a Motor Shaft Adapter
Can Deliver all Kinds of Liquids at Desired Flow Rates

Cat Number: STEM-LAPO-0073-YJL

Application: For dispensing, metering and general transfer applications.

Model: 56C

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Cole Parmer Masterflex 56C Motor Adaptor, 2200 rpm, model 56C, is manufactured by Cole-Parmer.
The Cole-Palmer 77495 Series Masterflex L/S NEMA Motor to Pump Adapters enable compatible NEMA 56C motors to drive MASTERFLEX L/S Pump Heads. All kinds of liquids can be delivered at desired flow rates. Each assembly is composed of a planetary gear system in a rugged aluminum housing with a mounting gasket, plus a motor shaft adapter.


Condition: Used
Gear Ratio: 3.7: 1
Input Speed (Max): 2200 rpm
Output Speed (Max): 3600 rpm
4.8 To 1 Speed Reductor


Enables NEMA 56C Motors to Drive Masterflex L/S Pump Heads
Assembled in a Rugged Aluminum Housing with a Mounting Gasket, Plus a Motor Shaft Adapter
Can Deliver all Kinds of Liquids at Desired Flow Rates

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