Stainless Steel Manifolds, Standard Cup, Six 3-Way Valves, ADVANTEC MFS, Inc. (CAT#: STEM-GLE-2582-LC)


Accepts a #8 stopper to adapt microanalysis units and other devices
Used under closed conditions

Cat Number: STEM-GLE-2582-LC

Application: Used to support single or multiple vacuum filter holders independently off a single vacuum source

Model: 353330

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Stainless Steel Manifolds manufactured by ADVANTEC MFS, Inc. are made from heavy gauge stainless steel. These units carry a low center of gravity so that they will not tip when fully loaded. Stainless Steel Manifolds are used to connect with filtration assemblies to collect filtrate. The PTFE valves maximize chemical resistance.


Station: 6
Valve Type: 3-way Valve


Accepts a #8 stopper to adapt microanalysis units and other devices
Used under closed conditions