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Cora 5100 Raman Spectrometers, 532 nm Excitation Wavelength, Anton Paar (CAT#: STEM-LE-1482-Y)


• Use Cora 5X00 Raman Spectrometers to select the best wavelength for your sample.
• Cora 5X00 Raman Spectrometers provides appropriate sample holders for sample vials of various diameters and shapes (round, square, rectangular).
• Use fiber optic probes for mobile measurement.

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1482-Y

Application: The compact Raman analyzer provides single or dual wavelength.

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The Cora 5X00 Raman Spectrometers is manufactured by Anton Paar, the Cora 5X00 series are compact in design and can be used as a standalone instrument, using an embedded PC and touch screen, or operating via an external tablet or PC. The instrument provides two choices of single wavelength or dual wavelength. The best measurement results of different types of samples can be obtained through the maximum Raman signal and the minimum fluorescence.


Excitation wavelength: 532 nm
Spectral range: 200 cm-1 to 3500 cm-1
Resolution (FWHM): 9 cm-1 to 12 cm -1
Laser power: 50 mW
Spectrometer: f/2 transmission volume phase grating
Integration time: 5 ms to 600 s
Detector: 2048 px CCD
Wavelength calibration: automatic calibration via software
Specifications (D x W x H): 305 mm × 380 mm × 168 mm
Weight: ~ 6.4 kg
Sample bottle holder: liquid and powder sample bottles and sample slots (round, square, rectangular with different diameters)


• Use Cora 5X00 Raman Spectrometers to select the best wavelength for your sample.
• Cora 5X00 Raman Spectrometers provides appropriate sample holders for sample vials of various diameters and shapes (round, square, rectangular).
• Use fiber optic probes for mobile measurement.
• Simple and safe, you can learn to perform Raman spectrometry measurements in a short time.
• The laser does not pose a threat to people working near the equipment.
• Cora 5X00 Raman Spectrometers are sturdy and durable, suitable for material identification and Raman measurement in industrial industries or in student laboratories.
• All components are clear at a glance: PC, WiFi and VNC.

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