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We provide the determination of Phosphorus (P) with the detection limit of 1000 ppm by Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). We also offer simultaneous multi-element analysis and the analysis of 75 individual elements (including certain organic elements) at trace and ultra-trace concentrations by NAA.
Analytical capabilities and detection limits (ppm): H-1, B-1, N-500, O-500, F-1000, Ne-100, Na-1.0, Mg-100, Al-10, Si-1000, P-1000, Cl-1.0, Ar-0.1, K-10, Ca-1000, Sc-0.1, Ti-100, V-1.0, Cr-10, Mn-0.1, Fe-100, Co-1.0, Ni-100, Cu-10, Zn-10, Ga-1.0, Ge-100, As-0.01, Se-10, Br-0.1, Kr-1.0, Rb-10, Sr-100, Y-100, Zr-100, Nb-1000, Mo-10, Ru-10, Rh-100, Pd-10, Ag-1.0, Cd-10, In-0.01, Sn-10, Sb-0.1, Te-0.1, I-0.1, Xe-1.0, Cs-1.0, Ba-10, La-0.1, Ce-10, Pr-1.0, Nd-100, Sm-0.1, Eu-1.0, Gd-10, Tb-1.0, Dy-0.1, Ho-1.0, Er-10, Tm-1, Yb-0.1, Lu-0.01, Hf-0.1, Ta-1.0, W-0.1, Re-1.0, Os-100, Ir-0.1, Pt-10, Au-0.01, Hg-10, Th-1.0, U-0.1.
NAA is one of the most sensitive and accurate analytical techniques for multi-element analysis today. The major advantages of NAA include:
• Simpler pre-treatment of samples compared with other techniques. Typically the sample only needs to be reduced to a more suitable size for packaging and the irradiation process.
• Non–destructive. Therefore, it does not suffer from the errors associated with yield determinations and is ideal for expensive or irreplaceable samples.
• No sample digestion, extraction, volume loss, or dilution required.
• High precision. Reproducibility of quality controls is often better than 2% relative standard deviation (RSD).
• Samples as small as a few micrograms can be analyzed.
If you have any requirements or questions. Don't hesitate to contact us.
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