Drew Scientific 2280 Fully Automated CBC System, 41.0 × 58.0 × 58.0 cm, Drew Scientific Inc (CAT#: STEM-CTEPO-0062-YJL)


22 parameters 2 scattergrams and 2 histograms
Short sample detection
Proprietary laser technology 5 part WBC differential

Cat Number: STEM-CTEPO-0062-YJL

Application: For hemoglobin measurement

Model: 2280

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Drew Scientific 2280 Fully Automated CBC System, 41.0 × 58.0 × 58.0 cm, model 2280, is manufactured by Drew Scientific Inc. Drew Scientific 2280 Fully Automated CBC System uses multi dimensional optical scattering using a stable laser diode light source to optimize the measurement of WBC differential. Electrical resistance is also used for counting (WBC RBC Plt) and sizing (Plt RBC). This is combined with optical absorbance of cyanmethemoglobin for hemoglobin measurement (there is also an optional cyanide free reagent)
The technology used combines to give a full CBC with 5 part differential in under one minute.
The Drew Scientific 2280 Fully Automated CBC System aslo displays: 2 x WBC scattergrams Plt histogram RBC histogram.
The Drew Scientific 2280 Fully Automated CBC System has a throughput of a minimum 80 samples per hour in direct sampling model.


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned
Sensors: Laser diode illuminated flow cytometer with three solid state sensors and one PMT tube for WBC differential
WBC aperture: 100 um diameter x 75um length
RBC/Pit aperture: 78um diameter x 55um length; The Plt/RBC channel features the patented “von Behrens” Silencer which eliminates RBC recirculation that interferes with low Plt counts in conventional aperture designs.
Dimensions (analyzer): 41.0 cm (16.5 in) Height x 58.0 cm (22.8 in) Width x 58.0 cm (22.9 in) Depth
System weight: 325 Kg (72 lb)
Display: Windows XP interface
Power: The system works on 90 to 250 VAC 47 to 63 Hz with no manual adjustment required
Operating conditions: The 2280 can work in wide range of working environments with a temperature range of 15C to 32C (60F to 90F) and relative humidity of 10% to 90% noncondensing
Ports: Two RS232 serial ports and one parallel printer port (Centronics)
Printer: Windows XP supported color or B/W printer can be used
Direct mode: 180uL whole blood
Sample saver mode: 80uL whole blood
Automatic sampler**: 180 uL whole blood
Parameters: WBC Lymp# Neut# Mono# Eos# Baso# Lymp% Neut% Mono% Eos% Baso% RBC Hgb Hct MCV MCH MCHC RDW Plt MPV pct* PDW*


22 parameters 2 scattergrams and 2 histograms
Short sample detection
Proprietary laser technology 5 part WBC differential
State-of-the-art patented platelet counting; Impedance technology for cell counting
Flexible sample sizes; 80 samples per hour

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